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New SITA Report Finds Mobile Baggage Notification Boosts Passenger Satisfaction

Passengers satisfactions levels jump when they’re kept abreast of their baggage with smartphone notifications, a new report from SITA finds.

SITA’s 2019 Passenger IT Insights concludes that passengers want more mobile services in relation to their baggage, noting that 26 percent of travelers used their mobile device to track their bags last year, up from 14 percent in 2017.

SITA found that those passengers who used their mobile device to receive updates at baggage collection were 8.6 percent more satisfied that those who relied and traditional voice announcements to be notified when and where their bags can be collected. Travelers also preferred to use their mobile device to report mishandled bags.

Peter Drummond, SITA director of baggage, says that airports and airlines are increasingly tracking bags at key points across their journey. “While this tracking data is primarily used to provide better oversight of baggage and reduce mishandling, many operators are providing some, or all, of this information to passengers as a mobile service,” he adds. “It provides a significant positive boost to the way they perceive their travel, while reducing anxiety around baggage.”

