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AI Enabled Retail Opens At JCO

A concessionaire at Jackson Hole Airport (JCO) in Wyoming has implemented an AI-enabled autonomous retail solution designed to streamline the shopping experience with touchless self-checkout technology.

The UST Vision Checkout technology is deployed at the Bistro and Grab & Go areas of Jedediah’s; the sole food vendor at an airport welcomes over 500,000 passengers annually. This gives passengers the ability to quickly self-checkout through a rapid process that is guided by AI.

With Jedediah’s at the Airport seeing major demand spikes that accompany flight departure schedules, the streamlined process offered by UST Vision Checkout allows employees to devote themselves to meeting other customer needs during peak service times, UST said in a press release. Furthermore, the automated nature of UST Vision Checkout makes it possible for the restaurant to keep its doors open 24 hours a day, seven days a week and ensure that passengers can always purchase whatever items they desire.

“At Jackson Hole Airport, most flights depart at midday, meaning that vendors can rapidly see an influx of 500 to 1000 people, making it difficult to move customers efficiently through the checkout process,” said Rhea Brough, General Manager, Jedediah’s at the Airport. “The addition of UST Vision Checkout gives passengers the ability to quickly self-checkout through a rapid process that is guided by AI. This makes it easier for us to rapidly meet their needs and ensure that everyone has the food they need prior to boarding,”

