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Narcan To Be Made Available At ORD, MDW

The Chicago Department of Aviation (CDA) has introduced a new program to counter the opioid epidemic by providing the overdose medication Narcan at Chicago O’Hare International (ORD) and Midway International (MDW) airports.

The medication is now available throughout both airports and is set inside Automated External Defibrillator (AED) cabinets located in the pre-and post-security areas of ORD and MDW.  There are 196 AED cabinets at O’Hare and 32 at Midway.

When the cabinets are opened, an alarm is triggered, guiding officers to locations where individuals require assistance following heart or overdose issues.

Turnkey Training, which maintains the AEDs and cabinets, provided the opioid overdose training to Aviation Security Officers (ASOs) and Chicago Police Department officers. Turnkey also provides CPR and Stop the Bleed training to staff throughout both airports.

“We are committed to making our airports as safe as possible, and equipped to meet any health challenges that arise among travelers and community members,” said CDA Commissioner Jamie Rhee. “With Narcan, first responders at O’Hare and Midway can quickly assist anyone experiencing an overdose on opioids, increasing the likelihood that we can save lives. Hopefully, this can be a first step toward those individuals receiving treatment.”

